Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Happy New Year!

Happy New year! I wish you all the best for 2020 and I hope this year will bring me more (free) time to spend on my hobbies!

Youtube and Car Mashups website

Talking about spending time on my hobbies: as you may have heard through one of my youtube videos: in 2019 I created a website called Car Mashups and this ate up about all spare time that I have left in my busy life. I have only posted three videos to the Youtube channel in 2019, while I posted 20 in the year prior to that. My three year old daughter skips her afternoon naps, so no more spare time during my daddy-days. All that is left is my commute to work time and all that got dedicated to the Car Mashups website this year.

Car Mashups website basically is a website publishing car mashups. I’ve created a generator that will mash up two different cars into a new one. An example of such craftsmanship can be seen below with this mashup of a Nissan Skyline GTX-E C110 and a Nissan Cherry X-1R KE10:

Car Mashups: Nissan Skyry

Yes I travel by public transport and this means I can spend about 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours a day to whatever I like. Since the Car Mashups site required many cars to be added I dedicated my commute time to this project. I’ve now entered a equilibrium where I think sufficient cars are present to mashup to new cars. I will add new ones, but at a much lower pace than before.

Downloadable coloring books

I’ve also made a couple of downloadable coloring books available through the AEU86 shop: the Bosozoku Style Coloring Book in downloadable format, the first Car Mashups Mazbaru SA60 Coloring Book (Mazda Savanna RX7 + Subaru 360) and the second Car Mashups Mitsuota Garina AMG Surf Coloring Book. An example of such a coloring book would be:

Car Mashups coloring book - Mitsuota Garina AMG Surf

New years resolution

That means I can spend more time on the other hobbies of mine, including creating Youtube videos and content for this site. Or at least, that’s basically my New Years resolution for 2020! So if you read this posting January 2021 and this is the top post on my blog, something went horribly wrong. ;)

1 Comment

  1. Neil

    Hey Banpei!

    Your contact form is not working for me, would love to contact you about some stuff. If you could email me your email address I would greatly appreciate it!


    – Neil

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