Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Tag: yellow carina

Carina Sightings: Yellow Carina GT AA63 that is NOT for sale!

My heart skipped a beat when I saw this beautiful yellow Carina GT AA63 for sale on Auctions Yahoo:
Yellow Carina GT AA63 not for sale!
It looked so perfect, immaculate and I just wished I had the money to buy it and ship it to the other side of this planet. But this picture gets even better if you squint your eyes! :P

So when I translated the auction it stated this at the bottom:
Please stop the questions in English. We will not ship internationally, thank you.
Normally that is not a real problem if you use a man-in-the-middle like Hayatonka, so actually you can still consider it for sale!

Anyway, the strange thing about this car is that it is actually a late GT: Continue reading

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