Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Tag: Toyota Crown (Page 1 of 6)

JDM Trivia #5: Toyota Total Clean System

JDM Trivia #5: Toyota Total Clean System

First of all: Happy new year and all the best wishes for 2016!

Last weeks teaser was: What is this badge and what does TTC stand for?
Toyota Total Clean System
Some guesses were made and some people refrained from googling, but Rookie Tuner provided the correct answer: TTC is an acronym for Toyota Total Clean System.

Japanese Emission Regulations

Just like now in Shanghai and Milan some major cities in Japan during the 60s smog was getting really bad. The Japanese government responded with an emission regulations law in 1968 that would become active in January 1975. Toyota responded to this with the three versions of the Toyota Total Clean System and applied it to various car models. Toyota advertised the Toyota Crown S80 as pure, clean and serene. Almost as if you no longer have to feel guilty for pollution when you are driving a car. Continue reading

JDM Trivia #2: Ridiculously long car names

Welcome to JDM Trivia #2!

For some time now I have been pondering about the ridiculously long car names for the 80s and 90s JDM cars. I gathered data from various Japanese car manufacturers, made a potential selection of models, looked up their brochures and wrote down the name as advertised.
JDM Trivia #2: Ridiculously long car names
What I did was probably not a very good scientific approach but for a long shot this probably will do and I may have left out two or three ridiculously long car names this way. As I’m a database guru I put everything in a database and made my calculations based on that.

This is probably what you are waiting for: why I put those particular five cars in the teaser. Well that’s because they are the top five longest car names. So here we go from five to one.

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Commercial Time: can’t buy the Toyota Crown in Germany

Toyota has just launched a new commercial for their Toyota Crown Athlete S210 and it gets kind of hilarious: a Japanese businessman is trying to sell something to a German businessman in Frankfurth (you can see the Eschenheimer tower) but the German businessman only wants to buy his Toyota Crown Athlete instead as it is not for sale in Germany.
Toyota Crown Athlete S210 commercial
Why is this hilarious?

Well, watch the video below and continue to read why: Continue reading

Commercial Time: JDM Toyota Crown S120 in the Netherlands

Yesterday I posted a documentary on the Toyota Crown and in one of the scenes I spotted a very familiar background:
Commercial time: Toyota Crown S120 in the Netherlands
You just feel immediately with your entire body when you see your home country used in the background of a movie, so obviously I immediately recognized the Netherlands in this documentary when they displayed the Toyota Crown S120.

As the majority of the documentary consists out of footage of old ads I started to investigate the Toyota Crown S120 ads and found the one that actually takes place in the Netherlands: Continue reading

Classifieds treasures: 1966 Toyota Crown S40 cabriolet

Today I spotted this 1966 Toyota Crown S40 for sale in the Dutch classifieds:
Classifieds treasures: Toyota Crown S40 cabriolet
What I really like about the car are the high mounted fender mirrors: exactly like they had them in Japan. Now I’ve seen some other S40 crowns with the exact same fender mirrors so I reckon they were standard like this.

Now it is a bit more special than being “just” another standard 1966 Toyota Crown S40 as it actually got its roof chopped off over the full lenght of the car: Continue reading

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