Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Tag: techno shadows

Carina Sightings: the yellow zokusha!

People knowing me well enough also know I love kaido racers/zokushas and all sorts of other bizarre creation from Japan. So I actually was quite happy to see this in one of the kaido racer videos:
Yellow Carina AA63 zokusha
Yes, that is indeed a yellow Carina AA63 with (fake?) oil cooiler up front and lowered on a set of SSR Mk II rims (or are those Techno Shadows? Can’t see it too clearly!). :)

It even gives a good welcome when arriving at the spot by doing a bit of revving: Continue reading

Commercial time: Royal Crown shadow

What image would be even better than this Toyota Crown Royal Saloon MS106 to show the awesomeness of the five spoke Techno Shadow rims?
Techno Shadow on Crown MS106 Royal Saloon
To be honest: I can’t think of anything!

Even with todays yen rate these rims would still be around 400 dollars per wheel new. Sounds like a very good investment!

Found at Junkyarddog

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