Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Tag: stickerbomb

Mazda MX5 NB Super Bird [Down on the Street]

Mazda MX5 NB Super Bird

The Mazda MX5 NB is the second generation of the Mazda MX5. Just like the NA it is small, lightweight and nimble and it is just an awesome car! Someone has made this NB just a little bit more awesome…
Down on the street: Mazda MX5 NA Super Bird
At first I thought this was another one of those stickerbombed Mazda MX5s but as I got closer I noticed there was a whole different painting on the fender. I have no idea what it is supposed to be but it looks like someone painted a lot of birds on it.

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Japanse Autosport Festival 2012: the first impression

Just came home from the Japanse Autosport Festival 2012 in Zandvoort and it has been a looooong day so I will try to keep it short now and do photo uploads and such tomorrow. So what was my impression of the day? I think this picture describes it best:
Stickerbombed Mazda MX5 headlight
The most great/fresh/exciting/energetic day I had in ages!
Oh and I almost forgot: I’m in love with my “new” camera! (secondhand 5d mk1 with split focus screen)

So stay tuned for a week of photobombs!

DOTS: Stickerbombed Suzuki Alto

Most of the stickerbombed cars are worth being stickerbombed… Somehow this fourth generation (third for the Netherlands) Suzuki Alto fits in that category…
Stickerbombed Suzuki Alto
It is not the looks, but more the added looks that make it fit with this Alto: it is clearly a daily clunker and who cares about looks? Clearly the owner does! ;)

Carina Sightings: stickerbombed TA40 at JCS2011

Another jewel at the Japan Classic Sunday was Eric’s shakotan stickerbombed TA40:
Erics stickerbombed TA40 at JCS2011
Erics stickerbombed TA40 at JCS2011

I’ve seen a couple of stickerbombed cars, but never one that has them all over the side of the car!

However on the other side it is almost empty:
Erics stickerbombed TA40 at JCS2011
Erics stickerbombed TA40 at JCS2011

But wait, maybe there is another interesting sticker on that side:
Erics stickerbombed TA40 at JCS2011
Erics stickerbombed TA40 at JCS2011

Almost looks like a real tsurikawa! ;)

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