I’m sure you must have a couple of WTFs in your head by now: a Suzuka Carol Levin AE86? Isn’t that supposed to be a Mazda Carol or a Toyota Corolla Levin AE86? No, it isn’t in this advertisement:

Whacky advertisement text
The Japanese writing reads:
You might call it a space technology
but this wheel holds the
“romance of driving” of a new era.
Right, so these Suzuka Carol wheels are supposed to be space technology that holds the romance of driving in a new era?
What are Suzuka Sangyo Carol wheels?
When I searched for Suzuka wheels, I could only find cheap knock-off wheels that are called Suzuka. I found via Kyusha Shoes that Suzuka Sangyo is the brand that made the Carol wheel. What I also found out is that Suzuka Sangyo actually was the brand behind the Long Champ XR4 wheel and the wheel was manufactured by SSR. This really surprised me as I was under the impression it was SSR who manufactured and sold it. Anyway, I digress…
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