Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Tag: Skyline C210 (Page 2 of 4)

Japanese Rustoseums: the very rare junkyard

From various sources (like WasabiCars) I understood that finding a junkyard in Japan is very rare. There are some private yards that are mostly owned by garage owners and use the cars in the yard as spare parts. When I saw this photo of a real junkyard on a Japanese blog I couldn’t believe what I saw:
Japanese Rustoseums: the rare junkyard
In this big pile of rust I detected: a Mercury Cougar, a four door Toyota Chaser X30, a Mitsubishi Galant Λ (aka the Mitsubishi/Plymouth Sapporo and Dodge Challenger), a Toyota Celica A60 (maybe an XX?), a Nissan Skyline C210, a Toyota Corona T130, a Toyota Crown MS50 and the nicest of them all: a Toyota Publica van.

More photos of this junkyard can be found here: route0030

Family Album Treasures: my life, my skyline

Nissan opened up a website called Drive where they created a questionnaire for Skyline owners to share their thoughts, ideas, pictures or anything related to their Skylines. They called it My Life, My Skyline. If you have a few minutes (or rather more hours) to spare you can browse all the comments by all these proud Skyline owners and sometimes you can even find a rare gem between them, like this Family Album Treasure:
Family Album Treasures: My life, my skyline C210
True Carboy style with your friends somewhere in the mid eighties. Don Johnson is playing Sonny Crockett in Miami Vice in a white suit and pink shirt. The pictures description by its uploader is “Together youth…” and there is not a better fitting description I guess. ;)

Found at: My life, My Skyline

Commercial time: jumping Skyline Japan

I think I’ve posted up this fifth generation Skyline commercial before, but I’m not sure about it… What I’m positive about is that I never posted up the small Nissan Langley commercial after it!

This first generation Langley looks awfully similar to its bigger Skyline Japan brother!

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