Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Tag: nissan cherry (Page 2 of 2)

WTF: Shirtless Cherry X-1 coupe

Now this was a big WTF?!: two shirtless men standing next to a Nissan Cherry X-1 coupe with a fiery background? What does it mean?
Shirtless Nissan Cherry X-1
Shirtless Nissan Cherry X-1

Not really sure what the people from Nissan were targeting here… We obviously have seen the Ken&Mary targeting for the fourth generation Skyline and the Cherry X-1 was launched at the same time. Are the two shirtless men supposed to indicate the Cherry X-1 coupe is one tough cookie, is it supposed to attract future female buyers or should we interpret it differently?

Found at [Cherry Club Japan]

Japanese rustoseums (part sixteen)

I was a bit shocked when I spotted this zenki four door Nissan Skyline RS-Turbo DR30 rustoseum:
Nissan Skyline DR30 rustoseum
Nissan Skyline DR30 rustoseum

How can you leave such a great car rust away in a barn yard?
Judging from the camber on the rear wheels the rear springs were removed when somebody already scavenged it for parts.

Just as bad as the skyline, a Nissan Cherry X-1R:
Nissan Cherry X-1R rustoseum
Nissan Cherry X-1R rustoseum

The Cherry even still got its extemely expensive tail lights in place. It is a wonder nobody scavenged them yet! :o

What about some foreign rustoseums? A crusty second generation Chevrolet Camaro and an immaculate Renault 4:
Foreign rustoseums: Chevrolet Camaro and Renault 4
Foreign rustoseums: Chevrolet Camaro and Renault 4

Personally I would rather have seen the reverse of that…

Next time I’ll post up some rustoseums from The Netherlands I found earlier this week.

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