Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Tag: nissan 2000GT

Car feature: Nissan 2400GT HGLC10 at Garage Denissen

About five years ago I found a Dutch Nissan 2400GT brochure for sale on our local classifieds and I posted photos and scans of this brochure on my blog. Then I got contacted by Frans-Jan Petrij about his two Nissan 2000GT and 2400GTs and I posted a few of his photos. One thing led to another and I got contacted by a Nissan dealer called Fons Denissen who told me he actually has a Nissan 2400GT HGLC10 in his showroom!
Nissan 2400GT HGLC10 at Garage Denissen
Obviously I visited the Denissen dealership in 2010 and took a lot of photos of the 2400GT that was crammed between a few modern Nissans and at the back of the dealership there was a Datsun 240Z on a pedestal. Unfortunately my digital camera was dysfunctional so most photos were scrambled and had black lines in the photos. So I made the promise to return to the dealership and I finally was able to keep my promise and visit them again.

In the four years that passed a lot had changed at their dealership. They now also represent the Kia brand, the Datsun 240Z has gone and the Nissan 2400GT took its place on the pedestal: Continue reading

Webmining: Nissan 2000GT at Spa Francorchamps ETCC in 1972

Earlier this week I stumbled upon a photo of a Nissan 2000GT (aka Hakosuka Skyline or HLGC10) on a Japanese blog. The car clearly was the European 2000GT and not the Japanese Skyline:
Nissan Skyline 2000GT in 1972 at ETCC in Spa Francorchamps
The url in the photo was no longer functioning, but after digging a bit I found their new website! ;)
The photo had been taken at the ETCC 24 hour endurance race at Spa Francorchamps from 22nd of July 1972 to 23rd of July 1972.

Even better, I found three photos: Continue reading

Familiy Album Treasures: Hakosuka towing a caravan

A picture of a Nissan 2000GT towing a caravan is nice, but having a Nissan 2400GT following right behind it is EPIC!
Nissan 2000GT towing a caravan
Nissan 2000GT towing a caravan

The picture was sent to me by Dutchman Frans-Jan Petrij. I found him a year ago through a topic on ZCars forum where he said he used to own several Nissan 2400GTs and 2000GTs (only 59 were delivered in Holland!). I wrote to him several emails and he sent me some pictures of the cars he used to own.

This picture was shot at the Kandersteg pass in Switzerland. He and his family used both the 2000GT and 2400GT to haul the whole family to Switzerland and both the 2000GT and 2400GT took turns to pull the caravan. Of course both cars didn’t have to put any effort in it to do their jobs! ;)

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