Wait, what? A Morris Minor on a Japanese car-oriented blog? That’s right, but this Celestial Minor is very special as it carries a secret in its underpinnings and these AE86 pizzacutter wheels should give you a hint in the correct direction.

A Celestial 1970 Morris Minor with AE86 pizzacutter wheels
A Celestial 1970 Morris Minor with AE86 pizzacutter wheels

The Morris Minor was a car that was manufactured between 1948 and 1971. If you’re less familiar with the history of the British car industry, Morris merged with Austin in 1952 and became the British Motor Company, also known as BMC. In 1968 BMC merged with Leyland Motors (Triumph and Rover) and became British Leyland. Why is this important? Well, because the Minor in question was produced under British Leyland in 1970, this could have been one of the very last Minors produced.

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