Last week I posted up black and white photos of the drift exhibition at Infineon Raceway and this week I’ll share the only “okay” photos from the color film I used.
You can hardly make out the Lexus GS300 on this picture:

Infineon drift exhibition: Lexus GS300
I think the exposure is alright but the duration was just a tad too long. Limitations of the camera obviously show here: my Zenit only supports 1/30th till 1/500th of a second and alternatively you will have to do it yourself with the “bulb” selection.
Also this photo with lots of light trails worked out fine:

Infineon drift exhibition: light trails
Would have been better if I would have brought along a tripod and took a picture from above. Of course there is always a next time to do so. ;)
Last but not least: at the end three Corolla GT-S AE86s were doing a tandem drift and you can still make out the trailing 2 door coupe:

Infineon drift exhibition: hachis in a tandem drift
As I said in the previous posting: with a flashlight I could have frozen the image a bit more but I’m actually quite content with the result!
Now tomorrow I’ll be heading to the Dutch JAF (Japans Auto Festival) held at Zandvoort so I’m curious what kind of pictures that will bring. If you want to meet up, just send me an email and otherwise you can recognize me by looking for an tall Asian looking guy with long hair and a vintage camera around his neck. ;)