Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Tag: jaf

JAF2013: The AEU86 spot and more AE86s!

Yesterday I already shared this photo:
JAF 2013: The six hachis of AEU86
And the reason for reposting it now is that I actually forgot to take photos of two important hachis: Oldskull’s and Mark’s three door hatchback Levins! This one does include Oldskull’s AE86 but not Mark’s.

Anyway, ChiKin was by far the youngest of the group but managed to attract most attention with his white panda zenki Sprinter Trueno GT Apex: Continue reading

JAF 2013: The first impression

Unlike last year I wasn’t a visitor at the Japanse Autosport Festival in Assen as my Carina was present on the paddock between the various sportscars. This year AEU86 decided to ask for a club spot on the paddock and we were granted a large spot in the mid-center of the paddock! Awesome!
We managed to get a total of six Hachis and two Carinas. A small impression of our spot:
JAF 2013: The six hachis of AEU86
Cars from left to right: Corolla GT (4AGE+ITB), Corolla GT (3S-GE BEAMS), Corolla GT (3S-GE BEAMS), JDM Sprinter Trueno GT Apex (4AGE), Corolla GT (4AGE)
Another panda red Corolla GT AE86 was parked behind the Carinas (behind the banner) and apart from ours another four Hachis were present atthe Toyota Noord club so altogether ten hachis were present outnumbering various other cars like the Mitsubishi Lancer Turbos and such. Not bad at all!

I did not have a lot of time to walk around and shoot pictures of all the cars, but at least I got a decent share of the most impressive cars. One that immediately drew my attention was this pink Impreza: Continue reading

JAF 2010 pics and new blogroll

Some time ago I posted a racing spec Supra MA71 spotted by on the Dutch highways. Since then I’m following his blog where he already posted a Honda Civic tribute and about Initial D. Yesterday he posted about his visit to the Japanese Autosport Festival at the TT circuit in Assen with 100+ pictures!

These are my two favorite pictures of the JAF 2010:
Einnebs AE86 at JAF 2010 Assen (NL)
Einneb’s AE86 at JAF 2010 Assen (NL)

Lexus GS300 at JAF 2010 Assen (NL)
Lexus GS300 at JAF 2010 Assen (NL)

And tp give you an overview of what I missed this weekend:
JAF 2010 Assen (NL)
JAF 2010 Assen (NL)

On one side I really regret not going there, but on the other side I’m happy I stayed at home since my son’s tonsils were removed last Friday and he was really suffering from it.

Reverse fetish: EUDM AE86 gauge cluster in JDM car

I love to have my car look as closely to a JDM car as possible. That includes changing things like the headlights, badges and gauge cluster. I’m not alone in this since I’ve seen a lot of people on AEU86 buying JDM analogue and digi dashes for the AE86. Now seeing this picture on the :
Reverse fetish: EUDM AE86 cluster
Reverse fetish: EUDM AE86 cluster

Yes, that is a JDM cluster made to look like a EUDM spec cluster!
Since the JAF (Japanese Automobile Federation) decided in the 1970s that limiting the speedo to 180km/h would stop people from speeding influenced the Japanese to go wild on any speedo that exceeds 180km/h. I call it a reverse fetish! ;)

BTW: If you seek a real EUDM cluster, just drop me an email and I’ll try to arrange one for you! :)

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