Ever since I started doing the Miata Hunting I always wondered why the Miata is so ubiquitous while I couldn’t find a single Honda S2000… For some reason I just didn’t spot them, up till three weeks ago when I spotted three S2000s within one week!
I must confess I already spotted this S2000, but since it was parked in a terrible spot (where you can hardly stop and shoot a picture) it took a while before I had the opportunity to make this shot:

DOTS: 2005 light blue Honda S2000
Unfortunately the owner parked the car the wrong way around… :(
On my way back from where I shot the Suzuki Cervo SC100 I spotted this dark blue Honda S2000:

DOTS: 2006 dark blue Honda S2000
Since the owner was already sitting in the driver seat I reckoned he would be taking off soon. I grabbed my camera which still had a manual focus 135mm lens on it and tried to get the focus right as quickly as possible. The driver took off the minute I started to set the focus and I tried to get a lucky shot. I guess I spent all my luck on the SC100 that day: I managed to get three shots and the above is the best shot of those three…
The saturday after I got lucky again: while doing groceries I spotted this red S2000 AP1 in the same carpark as where I spotted a red Miata before:

DOTS: 2002 red Honda S2000
It is an early model from 2002 and I used the door of the Carina as a tripod (actually the Carina would qualify as a quadpod! :P) to get a couple of nice shots. I liked this shot the best: as a nice touch it shows the front fender of the Carina in the foreground.
I don’t think the S2000 hunting will ever get a part two: in my experience the S2000 is about twelve times rarer than the Miata. With that in mind it would take me another 36 Miatas before I can post about the S2000 again. ;)