Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Tag: hilarious (Page 16 of 23)

Hilarious: Robot Keiji K

I found this video with the first 10 minutes of one episode of the 26 made of the great tokusatsu series called Robot Keiji K (Robot Detective K):

It starts in every aspect as a typically tokusatsu intro: the bombastic music, the heroic singing together with all the action shots and poses. It starts with the futuristic looking rocketcar and squeeling tires and the robot stepping out and flashing the series title with its eye! :D

In every way this Robot Keiji K looks like an English dandy when stepping out of that car. What was the purpose of that? To make him look like a gay robot? I can’t imagine the production company (Toei Company Ltd) going for that image in 1972… Maybe they wanted to make him look like a good guy this way? Are all good guys looking like English dandies during the 70s?

Also the car looks great: a modified Fairlady Z S30 modified to an estate with gullwing doors and rockets. Who ever thought gullwing doors look bad on Japanese sportscars anyway?

The special effects look awesome! Like someone drew them with a big white marker on the filmroll! And that clay animation of the bad robot catching the Crown MS50 is amazing! Not to mention bump-flying the rocket car into a baloon! :D

And it has got a great storyline, to quote Wikipedia:
The hero of this series is a robot named “Robot Detective K” (or just “K”), who has no human form, but when not in battle, dresses up in human clothes and has a human-like personality

Also looking at this small part makes me suspect both Paul Verhoeven and Robert Zemeckis stole some of their greatest ideas from this series! Paul Verhoeven clearly shaped his Robocop after Robot Keiji K and Robert Zemeckis copied the idea of flying sportscars when he created Back to the Future! However in Robocop the robot with a human brain while Robot Keiji K is fully a robot without any emotion. And the flying Delorean was less impressive than travelling back in time…

Anyway: I want MORE! :D :D
Anyone got more episodes of this great series?

Hilarious: Clarkson Island

After watching this hilarious video by Harry and Paul I could not watch the latest episode of Top Gear anymore without thinking about…..pausing in the middle…..of the sentences!

The whole Z car battle of last Monday just looked silly compared against the Miata and Quattroporte comparison by Harry and Paul @2:40…

Ooowwwmygawd… that was funny!

Hilarious: no more sweaty armpits with Riff!

What is the greatest fear of an average Japanese woman during summertime?
Sweaty armpits! :D

Lucky for them the Japanese idol Natsuki Kato has a new product for them: the Riff armpit pads! And they promote it with this hilarious TV ad:

I can imagine the punchline roughly translates into: Sweaty armpits? OK!

And a small trivia: how many more places can women wear pads? :o

Hilarious: Ultra scatman!

Remember the car usage in tokusatsu movies and series? Most tokusatsu heroes have the most expensive and most up to date cars of that moment, but not Ultraman. Ultraman can fly, so he has no need for some super fast car with the latest technical abilities. Ultraman can do almost anything: Specium Ray, Ultra Slash, Electrical Immunity, Ultra Attack Beam, High Spin, Ultra Air Catch, Ultra Air Catch, Ultra Psychokinesis, Flight, Teleportation, Ultra Current, Dynamic Size Change, Clairvoyance Beam, Ultra Chop, Ultra Punch, Ultra Kick, Ultra Swing, Ultra Eye Spot, Slash Beam, Catch Rings, Star of Ultra, Ultra Separation, Marine Spacium Beam, Energy Transfer Beam, Final Cross Shield, Energy Exposure, Giga Specium Beam and Beta Capsule Transformation.

Lucky enough for him he now has a new ability: scat singing!

Scatman John only had one big hit in the world, but apparently they loved him till death (and after as well!) in Japan: he scored hit after hit in Japan and after he died they released a special edition tribute cd with several unreleased Japanese tracks (“Su Su Su Super Kirei” and “Pripri Scat”). Even today he is still very popular in Japan and now even Ultraman is continuing his scat singing abilities!

Hilarious: BMX getting chased by a Dekotora truck

WTF?! Some 80s guy riding his BMX bike is getting chased by a Dekotora truck and a Nissan Laurel C32 policecar?

It is actually a videoclip by Cadillac for the song ????????NO! NO! NO! shot in 1987. I think it is supposed to look like some 80s teen series with the obvious hero, the school and the bad guys (Dekotora truck driver and the police woman). And of course the Nissan Sunny B210 going sideways (a different sideways than drifting ;) ) brings the comical factor in this clip!

Hilarious: Datsun Bluebird 910 with 2×40 webers

A second hilarious posting today?? Well, I just couldn’t stop laughing when I saw this video by The Doctor and D.Wars:

And when they finally got the set running:

And the end result:

Damn, now I want a set of them on my Carina as well! :o
Currently looking at a set double carbs from a 2T-B. Bolt on upgrade of 11HP! May be worth it after all! :)

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