Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Tag: foliage

Japanese Rustoseums: Overgrown Levin AE86

Sometimes you get lucky and bump into the original source of an earlier rustoseums post and find additional photos, just like this Toyota Corolla Levin AE86:
Japanese Rustoseums - Overgrown Toyota Corolla Levin AE86
The first images are an overgrown Toyota Corolla Levin AE86 but below that I found the photos I posted earlier (found at a different source) of an overgrown Toyota Carina AA63. As you can see the Levin is just as badly overgrown as the Carina and even worse in terms of its rustyness. It still has one good thing: the gigantic ducktail spoiler.

As you can see even the supercharged 4A-GZE has been overgrown: Continue reading

Japanese rustoseums (part seven)

Last weekend Japanese Nostalgic Blog was featuring Michael John Grist’s page with various Japanese ruins (haikyo). One of them was this rusty AE91 Corolla sedan at Tama lake:
Rustoseum: Toyota Corolla AE91 sedan
Rustoseum: Toyota Corolla AE91 sedan

The corolla must have been there for ages now: it is completely eaten by the foliage and the inside is covered in moss.

Rustoseum: Toyota Corolla AE91 sedan
Rustoseum: Toyota Corolla AE91 sedan

The front clearly shows the JDM Corolla emblem and one of the pictures on Michael John Grist’s page shows that the 4A-FE engine is still there!

Rustoseum: Toyota Corolla AE91 sedan
Rustoseum: Toyota Corolla AE91 sedan

I have been in some mossy cars down at the wreckers before and when looking at these pictures I can clearly feel that mossy smell in my nose again! Yuck!

You can find more pictures of this mossy Corolla (and other ruins) at Michael John Grist’s page

Japanese rustoseums (part two)

Time for some more Japanese rustoseums:
Rusty Toyota Carina TA63 GT-TR
Rusty Toyota Carina TA63 GT-TR

This rusty beaten up Carina GT-TR was found here.

Rusty Toyota Corolla Levin AE85
Rusty Toyota Corolla Levin AE85

I posted this rusty Corolla Levin AE85 before on It is painted in the infamous colorcode 879 and it has got a nice pair of fender mirrors! ;)

Rusty Toyota Starlet KP61
Rusty Toyota Starlet KP61

This KP61 Starlet interested me: it is sitting in a junkyard and yet it has a set of Watanabe rims! Who would throw out a pair of wats?
Also funny to see the foliage coming out of the grille! First thought is always that the foliage must have been picked up during a ride, but in reality it is just growing from under the car!

It wasn’t planned to make this a Toyota only rustoseum posting, but next time I’ll make it up by posting only non-Toyota rustoseums!

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