Some people may have read it on Twitter: I bought myself a box full of yellow foglights.

My Carina: Marchal yellow foglights
When driving there (and trying to find my way through Zoetermeer) I was navigating on the map. At a certain point I noticed a white Prius in my rear view mirror, when looking at the map and back to the rear view mirror it changed into a very well known front of a car: a R33 GTR! Damn, that was a shock! GTR passed me and gave the driver a thumbs up. ;)
If you look at the box it will contain four times a yellow Marchal foglight and two times a yellow Cibie foglight. Two of the Marchals are broken (lights/wiring/casing), but the other four are perfectly fine! :)
Well, this is the one I was actually after:

My Carina: Marchal yellow foglights
And they are surely worth the drive! :)

My Carina: Marchal yellow foglights
So, for the people with difficulty of remembering my Carina: this is what the Carina looked like.
And now it looks like this:

My Carina: Marchal yellow foglights

My Carina: Marchal yellow foglights
Without the black/white Marchal covers these foglights look a bit less sporty…