Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Tag: Carina GT-R (Page 11 of 11)

Celica Supra rims mounted on the car!

Yesterday evening I mounted the Celica Supra rims on the car!

Carina GT-R rims on the front rightside of the car
Carina GT-R rims on the rear leftside of the car
As you can see, the offset on the front is good, but on the rear the wheel hides in the fender. This is probably due to the axle being not wide enough for the car. Remember that the solid axle Carinas were featuring the same axle as the AE86 (Corolla) which is less wide than the Carina. I think I need some spacers now. ;)

Carina GT-R rims rightside full view
As you can see I need some lowering springs as well. The front has positive camber (!) and the rear is also a bit too high…

Celica Supra rims almost on the car!

The Celica Supra rims are almost on the car! I dropped them off at the address where the tires were delivered and I could pick them up three hours later (at 20:30) with tires and fully balanced. :)

Celica Supra rims with Falken ZIEX ZE-912 tires

I didn’t have the time yet to put them on the car or even shoot some pictures of the rims, but that will be very soon! Then we’re going to see how much the car resembles the Carina GT-R

Edit: now with picture!

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