After missing out a couple of auctions on Carina AA60 tail lights, I decided I really had to get them the next time and contacted Ewan from Hayatonka. He understood the pain and difficulties, and did his best for me. After nearing the scary deadline the price rose quickly, but we managed to win the auction after all!
After being on a boat for four weeks the tail lights finally have arrived at my doorstep:

A pair of zenki Carina AA60 tail lights, mid console and some other small stuff included in the auction. The lights basically look like they are brand new, so that was a very luck win!
The difference between the Carina AA60 and AA63 tail lights is that the AA63 ones are smoked. This means the AA63 ones look a bit blackish, while the AA60 are just normal ones. I can live without that I guess. ;)
Here you can compare how different they look from the zenki ones:
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