Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Tag: bling

Will the Carina be bling?

I just found this AA63 Carina for sale:
AA63 Carina with bling headlights

These are the same headlight surrounds as I got for mine, so I’d expect my car to become as bling as this one when I install them…

However I hoped it would look a bit more like this one:
AA63 Carina non bling headlights

Apparently the amount of bling headlights is limited in contrary of the ordinary whitelines (black with a white stripe). So, perhaps the black rattlecan will have to do it’s job properly… Anyone else got a better idea?

Check the bonnet and bling!

Mux just sent me these two beauties:
Check the bonnet!

I know what you’re thinking… That bonnet… That scoop… It must feature atleast a 4agze! Nope, it features a bone stock 4AC!
Read the specs here

Check the bling hachi

Amazing. I never thought 17 inch wheels would have fitted the stock fenders without widening the arches, like for instance Big Yin’s car had. These tires must really be rubbing the inside of the fenders!
Other pictures can be found here.

That’s all hachi bashing for today. ;)

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