Remembering Japanese cars from the past

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JDM Trivia #3: Nissan Gloria Jack Nicklaus edition

JDM Trivia #3: Nissan Gloria Jack Nicklaus edition

This is JDM Trivia number three!
JDM Trivia #3: Nissan Gloria Jack Nicklaus edition
Daniel O’Grady from Wasabi Cars guessed last weeks teaser: the man is indeed Jack Nicklaus and his connection with Nissan is the Nissan Gloria.

The Golden Bear

Jack Nicklaus, also nicknamed The Golden Bear, is regarded as the greatest professional golfer ever. Within the 25 years when he was actively competing he won 18 major championships. Most car manufacturers like to get a bit of that fame and glory with their classy cars and Nissan wasn’t the only one to line up for Jack Nicklaus. Continue reading

Carina Sightings: Carina CA67V in Garagem do Bellote

Carina Sightings: Brazilian Carina CA67V

If you expected the JDM Trivia #3: I’m sorry but this week was one where I stressed out too much and I simply haven’t had the time to narrate the JDM Trivia #3 yet. Will come in a couple of days… ;)
So instead I have found something way better: the only Toyota Carina CA67V in Brazil just got featured by Jason Torchinsky’s Brazilian counterpart who is named Renato Bellote:
Carina Sightings: Carina CA67V Garagem do Bellote
It is great to see someone bought it who appreciates it, added JDM fender mirrors, the Japanese rising sun on the fuel filler cap, a set of deep dished Centerline rims and a set of mudflaps. I think the (new) owner is actually driving the Carina at 8:05 in the video.

Garagem do Bellote

Even though my stepmother is Brazilian I can’t understand the language very well. To be honest: I understand more from the average Japanese Best Motoring video than all the things Renato Bellote said about this Toyota Carina CA67V van. What I do get is that the shows name Garagem do Bellote means Bellote’s Garage.


You can watch the video below: Continue reading

JDM Trivia #2: Ridiculously long car names

Welcome to JDM Trivia #2!

For some time now I have been pondering about the ridiculously long car names for the 80s and 90s JDM cars. I gathered data from various Japanese car manufacturers, made a potential selection of models, looked up their brochures and wrote down the name as advertised.
JDM Trivia #2: Ridiculously long car names
What I did was probably not a very good scientific approach but for a long shot this probably will do and I may have left out two or three ridiculously long car names this way. As I’m a database guru I put everything in a database and made my calculations based on that.

This is probably what you are waiting for: why I put those particular five cars in the teaser. Well that’s because they are the top five longest car names. So here we go from five to one.

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JDM Trivia #1: Side wipers on the GX81!

Since last weeks question did not get answered I decided to change the format a bit from Question of the Week to JDM Trivia!
JDM Trivia #1: Side Wipers on the GX81

Weekly JDM Trivia

Every week will explain some small weird fact on something with Japanese cars. At the end of the video I will give a teaser on next weeks trivia and you can guess what it is in the comments below. How does that sound?

Last weeks question

Last weeks question was “In the picture shown you can see some weird chindogu applied to a car. What is it and which car does it belong to? Watch the question being answered in the video below: Continue reading

JDM Question of the week #1: Chindogu!

I have been toying with the idea to create a question of the week for a while now and I think it is time to move forward with it.
JDM Question of the week #1: Chindogu
I will start every week by giving the answer for last weeks question, sometimes with a bit more in depth information on the subject.
Then I’ll announce the winner of last weeks question. If there are multiple winners I’ll draw one. After that it will be time to announce the new question of the week and show, if available, the prize you can win.

Question for this week: in the video you can see some weird chindogu applied to a car. What is this invention, what does it do and what car(s) does it belong to? Continue reading

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