Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Category: wangan warriors (Page 3 of 3)

Wangan Warriors meeting 10: it was a bit misty

As said in the first impressions posting: it was misty…
To give you an impression, it was this misty:
It is quite misty out there!
On the positive side it could theoretically be beneficial for taking photos at a smaller diaphragm without losing the depth of field. Unfortunately mist also means there is less light, so I had great difficulty to go higher than 5.6 on one of my lenses…

But this photo of a white Sil80 is a good example of that effect: Continue reading

Wangan Warrors meeting 10: first impression

First impressions are always worth most since they describe the Wangan Warriors meeting in one sentence. In this case I’d say my first impression would be that the meeting was mystifying! And yes, that is also a pun to the weather. ;)
Oldskulls Levin AE86 in the mist
No really it was definitely worth going! Spoke to a lot of people and seen a lot of nice cars!
Stay tuned for several features in the upcoming days.

Attending the Wangan Warriors meeting

I’m going to attend the Wangan Warriors meeting tomorrow in Oosterhout and I’m already excited to see all those cars parked out there.
Wangan Warriors meeting
In case you are interested in coming as well, you can find the location here:
Google Maps

If you want to find me: just look for the all familiar white Carina TA60 (soon to be 4AGE-ed) or a tall guy with long brown hair.

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