I was amazed by the looks of Bafo’s Carina TA60:
It has been lowered a bit and features what looks like Hayashi Street Target Mag wheels.
You can see more in the video: Continue reading
Remembering Japanese cars from the past
I was amazed by the looks of Bafo’s Carina TA60:
It has been lowered a bit and features what looks like Hayashi Street Target Mag wheels.
You can see more in the video: Continue reading
Last week Tulio Inoue contacted me that he found the only Carina in Brazil. Of course I was anxious, opened the link and found this beautiful Carina Van SG:
This Carina only travelled 120000 kilometers so far and is almost like new!
Tulio told me this is most probably the only Carina in Brazil as up till the 90s import cars were forbidden unless you were a diplomat and imported the car yourself. Probably a Japanese diplomat imported this car, perhaps as a vehicle for the embassy?
The interior still looks immaculate after 26 years: Continue reading
Earlier this week I bumped into this dark-grey panda (at least, that’s what it looks for a colorblind person) Carina AA63 sedan:
I did spot a Carina GT-TR TA63 coupe in this color scheme before but never a Carina sedan, so I guess it must be quite unique. ;)
Found at Minkara
I really love this song from 1992 by the Belgian comedian Hugo Matthysen where he sings about his 1981 Toyota Carina:
And 1981 makes it most probably one of the last Carina TA40s that were delivered.
The song is in Flemish, so it is hardly understandable for the non-Dutch/Flemish speakers but at least I tried to translate the lyrics as close as possible. Unfortunately it looses all its rhyme. :(
I googled for a beige 1981 Toyota Carina to give you at least the chance to form a picture in your mind what this song is all about:
Don’t pin me down on this color: there used to be a metallic beige color for the TA40 as well.
The full lyrics including a terrible translation:
Okee, ik snap geen jota (Allright, I don’t understand anything)
van automechaniek, (from car mechanics)
maar toch zeg ik, “mijn Toyota (but still I say, “My Toyota)
was een wonder der techniek.” (was a miracle of technique”)
Hij was van éénentachtig, (He was from eightyone,)
hij schakelde zo zoet, (he shifted so sweet,)
dat beige stond hem prachtig, (that beige looked great on him,)
de deuren sloten goed. (and the doors locked so well.)
Amper dertigduizend ballen voor zo’n pure klassebak, (almost thirtythousand bucks for such a class ride,)
en wat een fijne zestienhonderd dat er in zijn buikje stak. (and with such a nice sixteenhundred in its belly)
Toyota Carina, Toyota Carina,
Toyota Carina-aaaaa.
Hij had geen vijf vitessen (he didn’t have five gears)
en hij had geen open dak, (and neither a sun roof)
maar wat een kracht en een souplesse, (but what great strength and flexibility,)
wat een mooie beige lak. (what a great beige color.)
Zijn banden hadden allemaal een adellijk profiel, (his tires all had a royal profile,)
zowel de voorste als de achterste, en het reservewiel. (both its front, rear and spare wheel)
Toyota Carina, Toyota Carina,
Toyota Carina-aaaaa.
Natuurlijk werd hij minachtend bekeken (Of course people looked down on it)
door dikkenekken met een BMW, (by fatnecks with a BMW,)
of door krapuul met een CX en jannestreken, (or scum with a CX and lowly,)
maar daar lachten wij eens mee. (but we only laughed about it)
Vlaamse moeders stoven witloof of ajuinen, (Flemish mothers cook chicory and unions,)
wij stoven met zijn tweeën naar de zee. (we drove with the two of us to sea.)
Hij was al beige dus hij hoefde niet te bruinen, (He was already beige and did not need a tan,)
ik vond dat beige wel okee. (I thought the beige was okay)
Toyota Carina, Toyota Carina,
Toyota Carina-aaaaa
Direct link to video: Hugo Matthysen – Toyota Carina
Apparently this year I was the only one with a RWD Carina at the Japanese Autosport Festival, so time to take a small break with a regular!
Derek from mz12gt.com sent me this Carina TA63 sedan that is for sale at Toymods:
The wheels fitted are Western Hurricane and a lot of modifications have been made to the chassis as well.
This is a picture shortly after it had been painted: Continue reading
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