After returning from New Guinea (Papua) to Bali I didn’t stop photographing interesting J-tin. A good example is this boy racer Corolla KE30:
Toyota Corolla KE30 in Tuban, Bali
It is red, has some huge deep dished rims, lots of plastic bodywork modifications and did I already mention it was red? :P
Category: bali
Another car that can be seen a lot on Bali is the Datsun 620 pickup. Basically the 620 pickup is nothing more than a half Datsun Violet with a big open space to haul stuff around.
Datsun 620 pickup on Bali
I’ll post another one later this week. :)
Near where I spotted the Longchamped Familia I also saw a Corolla KE70 coming the opposite way. I turned around, followed it for a while hoping it would stop. But I gave up after a couple of kilometers and stopped for a drink. Luck turned and another immaculate Corolla KE70 came my way:
Toyota Corolla KE70 on Bali
Since I has stopped I had all the time of the world to take a couple of snapshots of the KE70! :)
Action shot from behind:
Toyota Corolla KE70 on Bali
No idea what wheels it is on, but they surely match the oldskool rolla!
On one of my tours around Bali somewhere between Uluwatu and Kuta I came across this Ford Laser (aka Mazda Familia or Mazda 323) on a set of SSR Longchamp XR4 rims!
Ford Laser / Mazda Familia (323) on Longchamps
So I stopped and made a couple of pictures.
To be honest: this was the very first time I ever saw these babies in real life! They were even more beautiful than seen on pictures. ;)
One of the first things I noticed in Bali were the ubiquitous Toyota Kijang minivans driving around. One small detail of the Kijang drew my attention immediately: the headlights!
Toyota Kijang KF42 with Crown S120 headlights
Recognize them already?
Indeed: they are recycled from the Toyota Crown S120 series!
On another one I found this GTV Executive sticker:
Toyota Kijang KF42 with GTV Executive sticker
No idea if it is genuine, but if so then this must have been the sporty version of the Kijang…