Remembering Japanese cars from the past

Category: Aazuma Trading

Carina grille and headlights update

Yesterday I finally picked up the Aazuma package from the postoffice. Unfortunately I haven’t had the time to look at it yet… One of the great things of having children: absolutely no time left at all. I already use up a lot of time for being admin of AEU86 and having Megadik as a blog as well.. :(

I’ll open the package later today and try to make some pics later for here as well…

Happy new year!

Happy new year!

Another year passed by and a lot happened this year:
– Finally restarted blogging on my site
– Became father of my son Olivér
– Bought the Carina
– etc.

Thankfully this year already started out great! I see that the front parts are already ready for delivery: they have already cleared customs yesterday, so I think they will arrive somewhere this week!

JDM AA63 Carina grille

Got the grille as well. So everything is complete now! :)

aa63 grille
Only lost my bid on the TA63 gauge cluster, but I won’t need upcoming year anyway so maybe better luck next time. ;)

In total it cost me 14770 yen so far, so that is with handling and without shipping to holland. Just have to see and wait how much more the shipping will be.

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