I just found this mad Toyota Carina AA63 with an awesome set of gauges stacked on the dash:
It has an oil temperature gauge, oil pressure gauge, water temperature gauge, negative pressure (?) and an exhaust gas temperature gauge.
The handiwork started off by re-trimming the original dash with leatherette:
Neatly done!
Beautiful stitches around the corners and vents.
And finally the new console on top of the dash. Obviously also covered with leatherette.
And then installing the gauges into the new console.
I have no clue if having this many gauges is actually helpful or not. For me in my daytime job I generally like to have the least amount of gauges possible as having too many will only distract me from my work and I will lose focus on what is important and what is not.
Found at: < ahref="http://minkara.carview.co.jp/en/userid/2029078/car/2019894/3425642/note.aspx" target="_blank">Minkara
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